Easter Sunday

April 20th

Small Groups/Sunday School @ 9:00 AM

Worship Service @ 10:30 AM

Join us as we celebrate the risen savior on Easter Sunday morning. Nursery for birth through 4-year-olds will be provided.

Easter Egg Hunt

April 12th

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Activities include: Egg Hunt, Snacks, Bounce Houses, & Petting Zoo

You can pre-register to attend HERE and get the most up-to-date info as it gets closer to the event.

Good Friday Service

April 18th

6:00 PM

On this solemn evening, we gather to remember the depth of Christ’s love and the power of the cross. Through Scripture, worship, and reflection, we will prepare our hearts for the hope of Easter Sunday.

Come as you are, and invite your family and friends to join us for this meaningful time of worship.

Nursery will be provided for children ages birth - 2nd grade.