• International Mission Board (IMB)

    Partnering with the IMB to send missionaries across the globe, sharing the gospel and planting churches among unreached people groups.

  • North American Mission Board (NAMB)

    Supporting church planting, disaster relief, and evangelism efforts across North America to reach communities with the hope of Christ.

  • Missouri Missions Offering (MMO)

    Giving to MMO to support statewide missions, church planting, disaster relief, and ministry initiatives that impact communities across Missouri.

  • True Life Community Church

    Supporting church plant, True Life Community Church, in their mission to reach and disciple people in their local community with the love of Jesus.

  • All Nations

    Partnering with All Nations in St. Louis to serve and disciple refugees by providing practical support, gospel-centered relationships, and equipping them to share Christ within their communities.

  • Food Pantry

    Providing food and care to families in need through our partnership with the local food pantry, showing Christ’s love in practical ways.

  • Mary Martha Thrift Store

    Partnering with Mary Martha Thrift Store to serve those in need by providing affordable clothing and household items while funding local assistance programs.

  • Operation Christmas Child

    Packing shoeboxes filled with gifts and the gospel message to bless children around the world through Samaritan’s Purse.

  • Love Packages

    Collecting and sending used Bibles and Christian literature to equip believers and spread the gospel in developing nations.

  • Birthright

    Supporting Birthright in their mission to provide life-affirming support, resources, and care for women facing unplanned pregnancies.

  • Benevolence

    Assisting individuals and families in our community through financial aid, counseling, and prayer, administered by our deacons to show Christ’s love in times of need.

  • Cooperative Program Giving

    Partnering with Southern Baptists to support global missions, church planting, theological education, and advocacy through organizations like the ERLC and seminaries.

  • LINC (Love In the Name of Christ)

    Serving through LINC to connect churches with individuals in need, offering holistic care, resources, and Christ-centered compassion.

  • Local School Partnerships

    Supporting local schools through mentoring, teacher encouragement, and student assistance, demonstrating God’s love in our community.