Meet our Team

At FBC Lake St. Louis, we are blessed with a dedicated team of pastors and ministry leaders who serve with joy, passion, and a heart for God’s people. Each member of our staff is committed to magnifying Christ, maturing in His Word, and multiplying disciples as we seek to fulfill God’s mission for our church.

We are grateful for the ways God has brought this team together to shepherd, equip, and walk alongside our church family. Get to know our staff, and join us in praying for them as they lead with wisdom and grace!

FBC Lake St. Louis

Lead Team

  • Andrew Floyd

    Senior Pator

  • Bill Ursey

    Worship Leader

  • Griffin Shollenberger

    Minister of Youth & Discipleship

  • Rachael Pedroley

    Children's Director

FBC Lake St. Louis

Staff Team

  • Cindi Mitchell

    Office Administrative Assistant

  • Mike Carney


  • Tina VanBooven

    Financial Secretary